Welcome to the PfR blog!

Fed up of feeling achy and stiff after your runs?

Always fending off one niggle or another?

Pilates is a fantastic way to enhance not just your running, but your everyday life and movement.

It can help reduce the chances of those pesky niggles and injuries too!

It doesn’t need to be time consuming, or feel like another chore to add to the never-ending list.

Check out the tips, exercise and suggestions in this blog to get you started.

Liz x

Most Recent Blogs

  • My Top 3 Non-negotiables for Daily Balance and Well-being

    When we have a lot going on one of the easiest ways to screen out some of the “noise” is to have non-negotiables. Having just a few things that we stick to regardless can help us to easily and quickly prioritise everything else.  As well as ensure that at the end of the day, if nothing else, we can be confident we’ve taken care… Read more

  • 3 Proven Strategies…..

    In a recent blog post I mentioned how the way you identify yourself (how you see and talk about yourself) has an enormous impact on how you behave. For example, those who called themselves runners are more likely to get out and run, and to return to it after an injury or hiatus. How you identify ultimately impacts what habits you… Read more

  • Be Careful With Your Words

    Do you identify as a runner? I bet you do. Even when you’re injured, and unable to run, do you still think of yourself as a runner?Interestingly, studies have shown that those who actually identify and call themselves a “runner” are more likely to actually get out and run. They’re much more likely to get back to running after an injury or hiatus.Crazy eh?!… Read more

  • Journey Not Destination

    By now we’re getting settled into any New Year goals we may have set, and if you’re like me, maybe you’ve hit this same issue……. I love having goals, but honestly, I do sometimes get a bit hung up on the destination! Obviously the aim is to reach my goal, so I don’t want to forget it.  However, I… Read more

  • I really have to concentrate!

    I often get asked; “I have to really concentrate during sessions, is that normal?” Yup. Totally normal, and in fact exactly what you want! How many times a day are you thinking about what you’re physically doing? Often I’m washing up and thinking about what to cook for dinner, or I’m driving somewhere and thinking… Read more

  • Why Pilates should be part of your training in 2024!

    Firstly, what is Pilates? While there are lots of different styles of Pilates, fundamentally it is all about exercises focused on getting you moving the best you can and feeling great! Building your strength, improving mobility and flexibility, balance, co-ordination and motor control. All in all helping you feel great, move well and perform better!… Read more

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